My kids have asked many questions about the coronavirus since the pandemic erupted in March. My husband and I have done our best to answer their questions truthfully while trying not to scare them. We have admitted that we do not know the answers to some of their questions. I was relieved to learn that there are many books, workbooks, and visual aids to explain the coronavirus in a way that kiddos can understand. There are educational materials that are available for purchase, along with free materials that explain the coronavirus and the pandemic to kids. Below is a list of the choices that I found online.

Coronavirus materials for kids available for purchase –

“The Day My Kids Stayed Home: Explaining Covid-19 and the Coronavirus to Your Kids” by Adam M. Wallace. Link:

“Coronavirus: A Book for Kids” by R.L. Margolin. Link:

“What is Social Distancing? A Children’s Guide and Activity Book” by Lindsey Coker Luckey. Link:

“C is for Coronavirus: The ABC’s of Covid-19” by Dani Mathisen. Link:

“Why did the Whole World Stop? Talking with Kids about Covid-19” by Heather Black. Link: “Lucy’s Mask” by Lisa Sirkis Thompson. Link:

“A Little Spot Stays Home: A Story About Viruses and Safe Distancing” by Diana Alber. Link: “Paula and the Pandemic” by Dorothea Laurence. Link:

Free educational materials for kids about the Coronavirus –

“Why we Stay Home” by Samantha Harris and Devon Scott. This book is available through a free PDF at this link: It is Book 1 in the series.

“My Hero is You” by the Helen Patuck/Inter-Agency Standing Committee. This book is available for download at this link:

“Coronavirus: A Book for Children” by Elizabeth Jenner, Kate Wilson, and Nia Roberts. I am thrilled about this one because it is illustrated by the wonderful Axel Scheffler! We are huge fans of his in this house because he has illustrated some of our favorite books such as “The Gruffalo”, “Room on the Broom”, and others. The book is available on Axel Scheffler’s website, here is the link:

“The House we Sheltered in” by Freeman Ng is available at this link and can be read online, or downloaded:

“First Aid for Feelings: A Workbook to Help Kids Cope During the Coronavirus Pandemic” is a 16-page workbook that is free to download. Here is the link:

“We’re Going to be O.K.” by Dr. Ebony Jade Hilton and Dr. Leigh-Ann Webb. This book is a free PDF at this link:

“Bray-Bray Conquers the Coronavirus” by Ashley Maxie-Moreman and Joanah Whitely. This is a really beautifully illustrated story and can be found at this link:

“Where Did Everyone Go?” by Iain S. Thomas. This book was designed by a writer and artist from South Africa to explain to kids why everyone is safer staying inside. The book can be found at this link:

These books would be good to have around, as many kids start the school year with distance-learning. Many people seemed to be embracing this literature at the start of the pandemic. It may be beneficial to re-introduce this information for kiddos who haven’t learned about the pandemic through kid-friendly outlets like books, workbooks, and visual aids. Having these resources for kids would also help to solidify why schools have not reopened in a way that is easier for them to understand. These educational materials will help adults to explain a topic that has been scary for most people. 

Best of luck to you all in utilizing these resources.