The final long break of the school year is just a few days away, and while some families prefer to go on lavish trips to escape their everyday routines, many of us can’t get the week off work or don’t have an extra trip in the budget. 

If you fall into the first category, enjoy your time off. You can skip the rest of this and instead start planning outings for your trip. 

If you fall into the second category, you probably really enjoy choosing local adventures and taking pride in finding big opportunities for your family that don’t involve a giant price tag or a ton of traveling. 

In that case, please continue on and find the journey(s) that best suit your interests. 

Zoos and Aquariums

A little educational time with animals is always a good place to start. Children and grown folks alike are fascinated by their friends living under water and are likewise mesmerized by the majestic mammals living their days in the wild. 

The Oregon Zoo is a special place no matter how many times you have been there, and every experience is unique. Sure, the animals on the property are the same for the most part, but chances are the weather is never the same two trips in a row, and you never know which animals will be out and about. You might see the lions this time but miss seeing the penguins. You might see a cheetah but not catch a glimpse of the rhinos. It’s a fun crap shoot, especially if you’re looking to see the baby elephant – and if you are, be prepared to wait in line. The zoo has its own aquarium and pools of sea creatures, but they are easy to miss if you aren’t paying attention and keeping to the main path. Make sure you see everything on the site if you can. The train is a fun way to keep the kids happy and get a break for a six-minute journey on elevated tracks. 

If you were at the zoo too recently and are okay with extra time in the car, take a trip north to Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. With a host of creatures exclusive to their wildlife preserve and not one but two aquariums on site, it’s a very different experience from the local zoo. There is even a playground and many neat things you won’t find around here.

If you like the idea of going to see animals but prefer a larger presence of underwater creatures, the Oregon Coast Aquarium might be your cup of tea. With animals unique to their indoor shores and an amazing tunnel experience in the deep sea, there’s nothing better than Newport’s finest fish on display. You can’t eat any of the delicious halibut in the tunnels, but I’m sure there are nearby restaurants that can help you there if you want to treat the fam to dinner before getting back on the highway to home. 

Suppose you are willing to venture to Tacoma, but two medium aquariums aren’t enough to quench your thirst for saltwater creatures. In that case, the Seattle Aquarium is not much farther on the freeway and offers one of the largest exhibits of life below sea level on the West Coast. The IMAX-sized viewing area in their main pool is a sight to behold and makes you feel like you are deep-sea diving from the safety of your best walking shoes. And if you need a pick-me-up before returning home, the coffee in the area tastes and kicks like it launched addictions to espresso nationwide because it did.

Amusement Parks

Everyone loves animals and deep sea life, but sometimes you need to seek an adrenaline rush – the kind only seemingly dangerous rides can offer. 

Most of Oaks Park has been shut down for the winter, but they come alive for the entire week during spring break, giving a taste of summer to the folks who choose to hang around home for an extra week. If you miss out, you can still head there on weekends for the spring, but weekdays are just for the roller rink crowd. If a weekday rush is what you need, then this is the week for you as the entire park is open for seven magical days, and then the majority of their attractions go back to sleep for the work week until after school lets out in June. You may not feel like you’re at Disney or Universal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time at a local spot that is celebrating 120 years in business in 2025. Lots of places have come and gone in the last century, but Oaks Park is forever. 

If you like the idea of an amusement park but are worried the rides will be too much for your little kids, have no fear; travel a little farther to Enchanted Forest. Like Oaks Park, they are doing a spring break sneak preview, opening all seven days to kick off their new season, but it will be on weekends only after that until school is out in June. Like the rest of us with kids, this place believes kids should be in school during the week, so if you don’t have openings in your weekends to get down there, you should take advantage of their generous full-week schedule to finish out March. There is something for everyone here: plenty of attractions featuring your favorite fairy tale characters, a neat and unique village, and rides for all ages. Some of the names and faces might look a little different than what you are used to due to pressure from a certain California studio run by a cartoon mouse, but that takes nothing away from the fun. If anything, it makes you feel like you are experiencing the story for the first time. 

Educational – but amusing

If you want to make sure the kids aren’t just riding roller coasters and eating carnival treats while their brains forget how to absorb critical knowledge, we have the place for you. The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry has plenty of amusing ways to learn about all kinds of things, and they make it fun. From basic physics and geology to the nervous system and environmental impact, they have it all. You can tour a submarine, watch a documentary about going to space, see the largest Lego Dinosaurs, and maybe even catch a laser light show. It’s a fun and immersive experience that is always impressive; every kid learns something there. Who knows, they might even find out learning is fun. 

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