A fond memory of my childhood was taking a family outing through NW 23rd in Portland, Oregon. I remember one particular evening there as a child when I noticed the glowing string lights above and the brightly lit buildings alongside me. It felt like a wave of sophisticated culture hitting me at once. We grabbed dinner at some restaurant that probably does not exist anymore, did some shopping, and had dessert. This was decades ago, long before trendy places like Salt & Straw and St. Jack came onto the scene.

Nevertheless, NW 23rd has maintained its cosmopolitan charm even after all these years. Now, I am a proud husband and father, and one of our favorite outings to do as a family is to take a stroll along NW 23rd in Portland. For me, it serves as a reminder that it is very much worth sharing things with your children that you enjoyed as a kid. 

Over the years, there has been tremendous change in much of the country regarding businesses that were once considered staples that are no longer in operation. Portland is not immune to these adjustments, either. Music Millenium once upon a time had a massive location right on 23rd. As a child, I remember walking through the seemingly endless aisles there and thinking it was one of the coolest places in the city. Fortunately, their original location is still open on East Burnside. Another business that came and went on 23rd was Kornblatt’s Delicatessen. This was a regular spot I went to as a child and an adult until they closed their doors for good in 2023. However, despite the changes in businesses over the years, 23rd is still an incredible place to visit. I think this speaks very much to the great culture that has been cultivated in this area over the years. There are also many other family-friendly locations that are very much worth checking out. 

One of the first things we do on NW 23rd is grab something to drink. Our two favorite spots there for this are Barista and Case Study. Honestly, you cannot go wrong with either one. They are both fantastic and offer a wide variety of coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. If you want something with a little more nutrients, popping over to Harlow is a great option. Harlow offers excellent choices for fresh juices, such as their Sea of Blue. This smoothie is made with blueberries, chia, banana, sea moss, lemon, mint, and a coconut cream swirl. A great option for food on 23rd is Escape from New York Pizza. This small location has been around for over 40 years and serves traditional New York-style pizza by the slice. Another amazing restaurant on NW 23rd is Fireside. This upscale restaurant serves lunch, dinner, and weekend brunch, and it is all wonderful. My wife and I brought our toddler there several months ago, and the staff were incredibly kind and accommodating. Also, it might seem like the Smash Burger phase is an overproduced fad, but trust me when I say you should try their version. It’s the best Smashburger in Portland. 

The places I have mentioned are not even close to an exhaustive list of places worth checking out. But I think it is also worth calling out a couple more enticing places. The Meadow is a store on NW 23rd that specializes in salt, chocolate, and bitters. This eclectic mix of products will send you spiraling in excitement. Your kids will be excited about the chocolate options, and the foodie in your family will love the endless types of glass-jarred salts. One of my favorites there is the enormous selection of bitters. Many of these can make for a great Old Fashion cocktail for the parents to enjoy after the little ones are put to bed. Another fun store is Paxton Gate. This shop has jaw-dropping taxidermy on display, such as giraffes and foxes. They also carry skeleton bones of humans and animals, including dinosaur bones. It is both creepy and fascinating at the same time. There are so many things to see and do as a family on NW 23rd. But I think even just grabbing a coffee and window shopping there is more than worth the outing. It is a great reminder of the wonderful city and state we live in.