Before the Easter Bunny hops down your driveway, get ready to plan your Easter egg hunt with a new twist this year. While every child loves looking for colorful eggs filled with gifts and treats, it’s always fun to try something a little bit different that will help make lasting memories for this wonderful holiday.
Here are eight ideas that will take your ordinary Easter egg hunt into “eggs”-traordinary territory!
1. Hidden rewards
If you give your kids big baskets full of candy, do you really want to give them even more candy? Instead, tuck rewards inside each of your eggs that your kids can redeem for prizes of your choosing, like a stuffed animal bunny, a special date with you, or 30 extra minutes of playtime before bed.
2. Spell well
Make it a learning experience for little ones by marking your eggs with letters that spell each child’s name. Hide them all over the place, and the first child to spell out their name will be the winner.
3. Treasure hunt extraordinaire
Should Easter weather in your area be too rainy, too hot, or even too cold, make a treasure hunt indoors. Place clues everywhere in the house, and let your kids discover whatever exciting grand prize you have in store for them!
4. Basket-go-seek
Instead of leaving their baskets for them to find when they wake, hide your eggs first. Put clues in each one to help them figure out where those baskets full of candy are hidden.
5. You’re “IT”
Why settle for the same old routine when you can turn your Easter egg hunt into a game of tag? One family member gets to wear a shirt with Easter eggs, candy, and all kinds of Easter goodies taped to them. Give them a running start, see who can catch them, and snag treats off the shirt first.
6. Piece it together
You’ve still got time to take a blank puzzle set and fill it with an Easter design or special message. Then, take each piece of the puzzle and put it into each of the eggs. When all the eggs are found, the kids can put them together.
7. Light up the night
Everyone does their Easter egg hunts by daylight, but who says you can’t make it an evening affair? Paint your eggs with glow-in-the-dark paint and wait until the sun sets to have the hunt begin.
8. Go for the gold
Along with all the other Easter eggs, paint one or even two of them gold. Fill them with a special prize or a token to redeem for a big prize and hide them in more difficult locations for this challenge.
Hurry and hop along that bunny trail, as Easter is almost here. You’ve still got just enough time to put these unique Easter egg hunt plans into action!