August is known for having the most birthdays during the year. However, did you know September 9th is the most popular birthday in the United States?
September 9th may have a higher number of births compared to other dates. The average number of births per year on this date is 12,301. This author’s sister and grandmother were both September 9th birthdays. Do you know any September 9th birthdays?
What makes this such a popular day? Some researchers suggest that there might be a higher number of conceptions during the winter months due to factors like colder weather, which can lead to increased indoor activities and close contact. This could potentially result in more births around the late summer and early fall months, including September.
As we get ready for birthdays, what are some of your birthday tips? What do you like to do for you or your family? We have some ideas on where you can have your next party. This list has choices all over town and for a variety of ages.
Tanasbourne Town Center
11221 NE Evergreen Parkway, Suite F
Hillsboro, Oregon 97006
This is a wonderful place where your kids will have fun imagining and pretending in our town square or exploring the many interactive exhibits and kid’s activities in our educational play space. Adults are welcome to join in on the adventure or sit back and relax while their children discover a world that is just their size in our interactive children’s museum. This place operates on a reservation model to keep things clean and controlled. For parties, this focuses on a little younger crowd. There are opportunities to play and for crafting.
10795 SW Cascade Avenue
Tigard, Oregon 97223
Liggleland has four levels of structures for play for kids, and there is a separate area for toddlers. There are lots of virtual reality games. Check out the options here. There are so many ways to customize your private parties as well. You can choose different rooms, a variety of menu options, and more. Their menu is really incredible. They have thought of everything!
4555 N Williams Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97217
At a Craft Factory party, you and your guests will enjoy our private studio space in which to create a memorable celebration. They will help you with your party planning. They even have goodie bags you can add. Speaking of what you can add, here are some of their event add-ons: floral arrangements, photography, live music, face painting, photo booth, on-the-spot poetry, or fairy hair. While it is an all-ages place, this is an especially great option for older kids and teens.
6406 SE Foster Road
Portland, Oregon 97206
Hammer & Jacks play space is called “The Happy Place,” and it is a 750 sq ft enclosed playroom connecting families, friends, and community through play. The room is best suited to kids 1-7 years old, though infants and older siblings are welcome to play, too. They ask that big kids please keep an eye out for the safety of little ones. They also have some add-ons like a balloon drop and a photo booth. What would you choose?
1925 NE 42nd Avenue, Suite C
Portland, Oregon 97213
This indoor play space is a 2,000-square-foot space and includes a dedicated, safe, padded floor for your little ones to enjoy. There is also a 16′ x 20′ play structure. Be sure to bring your socks for your kids and you! The design is also aesthetically pleasing and not over-stimulating to the eye (welcoming to kids with special needs and sensory challenges). For those who are interested, they also have a bar you can add to your party. It is a cool place to check out.
So whether you are celebrating a birthday on September 9th or another date, hopefully, this list helps you determine some great options. There are many great places in Portland to celebrate birthdays for all ages.
Have you checked out these places? Where do you have your birthday parties? Are there “hot” birthday dates or months in your family? How do you handle balancing everyone’s big day? We would love to hear about you and yours!

Johanna is married with two kids, three dogs, three cats, one leopard gecko, several chickens, and a few fish. She has been in the Pacific Northwest since the dream was alive in the 90s but has Southern roots and hails from Arkansas. The family spends a lot of time at some sort of sporting event for the kids. Johanna likes to fast craft, garden, host parties, and bake. Johanna and her crew go hard traveling, DIY-ing, and are always up for a new adventure or challenge.