Believe it or not, there are actually some in-person, live shows available for kids this fall! I was thrilled to see an email from “Disney on Ice” letting me know that tickets are available. This prompted me to search for other options. Here is a list of available outings.
Memorial Coliseum-
In November, “Disney on Ice” will be happening at the Memorial Coliseum. Our family went to “Disney on Ice” a few years back, and it was such a fantastic experience. The music is incredible, the sights are glorious, and the actors/actresses do a good job acting out the magical moments. It looks like this show will be offered between Nov. 11th and 14th. The theme is “Dream Big.” Here is the link for more info: https://www.disneyonice.com/dream-big/portland-or-veterans-memorial-coliseum.
Oregon Children’s Theater-
The OCT is finally holding shows again! Although some of the shows take place next year, tickets are on sale for some of the following shows: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Merry Happy Everything, Last Stop on Market Street, Twelfth Night, WROL (Without Rule of Law), and Impulse. Here is the link for more info on their upcoming shows: https://www.octc.org/#index.
Keller Auditorium-
My kids completed the summer reading program through Multnomah County library this summer, and their grand prize was tickets to a performance at the Keller Auditorium. They have some very cool shows coming up! Some operas, some ballet, and other types of shows. Portland’s Singing Christmas Tree, Shen Yun, and the Hip Hop Nutcracker are all choices that my two kiddos would adore. An important note: masks are required along with a vaccination card OR a negative covid test (even kids!). Here is the link for more info on their shows: https://www.portland5.com/events/keller-auditorium.
The Newmark Theater-
It looks like some of the shows at this theater are geared toward adults, but there is one that kids may enjoy. On December 7th, a show called “National Geographic Live: The Secret Life of Bears” is happening. My six-year-old son adores animals, so I think he would probably enjoy it. In January, National Geographic will have another show about the secret life of whales. Oregon Ballet Theater also has some performances at the Newmark Theater that may be enjoyable to kiddos. For more info, here is the link: https://www.portland5.com/events/newmark-theatre?page=1.
You can count on OMSI to have some great show options for the fall. They offer shows/movies at their Empirical Theater, the Kendall Planetarium, and their famous submarine tour. The planetarium is currently showing: One world, one sky: Big Bird’s adventure, Laser Motown, Laser Halloween, Starry Nights- Live! Black Holes, World’s beyond Earth, and so on. The theater shows varying movies but is currently showing Dinosaurs of Antarctica, Hidden Pacific, Forces of Nature, etc. Here is the link for more info: https://tickets.omsi.edu/#Planetarium.
Moda Center-
There is one kid-friendly show coming up at the Moda Center. “The Harlem Globetrotters”. Tickets go on sale in late September, but the show is in January of next year. My son has a newfound love of basketball, so we are going! Here is the link to tickets and event info. This one also requires either a vaccination card or a negative covid test: https://www.ticketmaster.com/discover/family.
Curious Comedy Theater-
This sounds like a fun, interactive activity for kids ages 8-11. It is not a show to watch, but rather a show that kids can be in and create! Through September 29th, kids can register to cast, stage, rehearse and perform a musical from beginning to end through an opportunity via Oregon Children’s Theatre. The price is $125, and it happens on Wednesdays from 4-6 p.m. at the Curious Comedy Theater on NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Here is a link to register and for more info: https://www.octc.org/early-fall-2021-term/musical-theater-original-works.
A year ago, it seemed like live shows would never happen again. It is absolutely thrilling that they are opening back up. I also appreciate that some venues are putting safety restrictions like masks, vaccination cards, or a recent negative covid test. I can’t wait to take my kiddos out to the theater. It looks like there are plenty of shows to choose from here in Portland. Best of luck to you all in finding some great live entertainment.

Stephanie McCoy was born and raised in Portland, Oregon-where she still lives. She recently graduated with a Master’s in Education degree from Concordia University. In her free time: she likes to read and write, get outdoors, embrace her kiddos and husband, and watch travel documentaries.