Eggs are one of the most versatile food. They are inexpensive and a complete source of protein. Eggs can provide 20% of the day’s protein retirement and contain folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and beta carotene. Scrambled is a favorite around the house. We also love making Quiches without any crust or basically mini frittatas.

With how easy these Quiche are, you can definitely whip up a batch to last a few days. They are great hot out of the oven, or cold for on the go. We love to make and take them camping.

You can clean out the fridge with these or plan ahead and make a mixture you really have been craving.

I made two different kinds here because my kid has been obsessed with corn in his eggs 🤣 that’s not a bad thing i guess.

🌳Greens and squash🌳

1/2 cup shredded squash

1/3 cup broccoli (minced)

1/3 cup or 2 leaves kale, remove stalk and chop well.

1 garlic clove, minced

Sauté the veggies with 1 Tablespoons olive oil until dry and add to a muffin tin. (this made about 9 big muffins)

Beat together:

5 eggs

1/2 Cup milk

Pour over veggie mix and cook 325° for about 30 minutes.

🌽Corn and Tomato Quiche🍅

3/4 Cup Frozen Organic Corn

1 Tomato, diced or a small handfull of cherry type

1/3 Cup Frozen Organic Kale, chopped

3-4 fresh basil leaves

2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

Same idea with the directions: just cook all the veggies until the tomato dries out, then add to the tins with fresh basil and top with cheese. Pour egg mixture over the veggies and cook about 30 mintues.

Add cheese, switch out veggies, fresh herbs, use frozen veggies and meat, whatever you like. You use 1-2 cups of filling for every four or five eggs.