Hobbies tend to be solo activities, but they shouldn’t be when you have a family. Getting all your loved ones involved in an activity will help you spend quality time together and learn skills. At the very least, you’ll help your family spend free time productively. At the very best, you’ll grow closer as a family unit and deepen everyone’s connection to themselves and to life. Sounds pretty great, right? To get inspired, check out the following suggestions for hobbies your whole family can enjoy and bond over.

Hiking or Biking

Hiking, biking, or anything outdoors for that matter should obviously be at the top of this list for Oregon families! Whether you prefer hiking through alpine ecosystems or biking along river routes, outdoor adventures guarantee fresh air and quality time together. 

Plan weekend excursions and discover new trails or parks. Share stories, plan future hikes, and enjoy nature’s beauty while embracing the physical benefits of these activities.


Gardening offers a delightful way for families to spend time outdoors, cultivate patience, and develop a sense of responsibility in children. Plus, it’s a practical skill that can put food on the table!

Start a small vegetable or flower garden together. Assign different age-appropriate roles but let everyone practice all parts of the process. For example, if you have a preschooler, start by having them water the garden and eventually graduate them to more complex jobs, like planting and harvesting. 


Everyone has a little bit of a creative side that can be fun to explore, especially in a group. You can work on group projects or individual creations and host regular family craft nights.

Want to make a cozy blanket together? Consider getting started in quilting. Want to stop spending so much on candles? Learn to make them yourselves. Want to have more art in the home? Practice painting or sketching as a family. The possibilities are endless!

Playing Instruments

Music is a delight to the ears, great for the brain, and extremely collaborative if you play pieces together. So start a family band! Whether you want to start a rock group or a classical ensemble, pick a genre everyone is excited about and instruments that pair well with each other. 

Schedule practice sessions to keep everyone motivated and show off your talents at family gatherings. This is a challenging hobby to master, but it’s worth it for the musically inclined.


The family has to eat, so why not make a hobby out of it? Cooking as a family can be both fun and educational. Plus, it sets your kids up with an essential life skill they can carry into adulthood.

Choose recipes that allow everyone to participate, from meal prep to cooking to plating. Rotate turns deciding what’s for dinner so you can explore new dishes and cater to everyone’s interests. 

Choosing hobbies your whole family can enjoy and bond over enhances connections, encourages teamwork, and creates cherished memories. Start exploring these activities today and watch your family grow closer as you engage in shared experiences together!