Are you ready to have fun in the snow? One of the great things about the cold is that it’s time to play and build snowmen! It’s a great activity, and it’s free! All you need is mittens so you don’t freeze your fingers and winter gear to keep your tootsies toasty. Then you can make all the snowmen you need. So, let’s bundle up and explore outside!
Mount Hood is located about an hour and a half away from Portland. It’s an excellent area for recreational activities such as camping, skiing, fishing, hiking, etc. That also means you can build a snowman and play in the winter wonderland with your little ones when the snow comes. There are five different resorts in the area and snowy trails that you can have fun with. Each one is more innovative than the last, and because there are so many options, you can easily find an excellent spot to make a snowman village.
Baker City is considered an under-the-radar destination when you want to have winter fun. It has a small-town vibe and is close to slopes, and other fun options that make outdoor families have a great time. You can ski at the nearby mountain resort if you want something to do besides building snowmen. It’s a great location that is not only fun on its own, but the city is near a wide variety of other activities that make it stand out. Another plus? It’s easy to have fun without dealing with the overcrowding that tends to happen around the holidays.
Wanoga Snow Play Area Sno-Park
Bundle up and come check out the Wanoga Snow Play Area Sno-Park. The area is great for sledding, but there are also many areas where you can build a fantastic snowman. One of the things that is said about this area is that you want to pack a lunch because you’ll want to be here all day. Another thing that this area has going for it. It’s not overly fancy. There is just a beautiful snowy landscape that lets you have the best winter fun possible. This is said to be a good spot if you want to have fun with younger or older children, though you’ll still have to be careful tubing and the like because of the speed.
Joseph, Oregon, has a lot to offer families during the winter, and it’s considered a great place to check out if you want less crowded winter fun. The roads are always plowed, making driving easy, and the sights are amazing. There are plenty of areas to ski and make snowmen, and families have loved coming here. Like others on this list, it’s near other places to ski and snowboard, making it an ideal spot. Locals will say this might not be where you think of when wintertime comes, but you should because there is so much to do and see, and families love the views.
Like others on this list, this park isn’t just for playing. You can do a little bit of everything here, and it’s a great place to camp. While here, take advantage of the powdery snow and have a snowball fight or build an army of snowmen. You’ll find that this area is also dog-friendly, which means that everyone gets to enjoy the cold and have some good fun. Remember that your furry best friend will probably need a sweater or snowshoes because they must stay warm, too!
Helpful Information
While the areas we’ve mentioned will be safe for your family, investigate the weather reports and sites for information before you go to ensure everything is all right. The areas we’ve mentioned have a history of consistent plowing so that families can be safe, and they want you to enjoy visiting. As a plus, the areas should be manageable, but checking out their site or calling ahead can help ensure you get the best time.
Go On an Adventure!
The winter can bring some fantastic times to families. It can bring people together and let you spend time together. The best part, however, is the snow. We can all remember playing with our siblings, having snowball fights, hot cocoa, and having our noses turn pink from the frosty air. Now it’s your turn to do this with your family and have fun with your little ones. Remember, a big top hat and button nose!

Jenifer Dale is a writer that has a passion for reading and helping others. When she is not writing, she loves cooking, crocheting, and spending time with her family.