One year at work, I got a Christmas letter from my boss, and it was beautiful. I still have it. As the season gets colder and we get a bit more stressed about that perfect gift, think of writing a letter to your children, spouse, siblings, and grandparents. They will treasure the fact that you took the time to sit down and think of them and share your love for them in words. This is a sentimental gift that is priceless.
Theme Ideas:
What are some really fun things you did together this year? Share a fun moment or time in your letter on how much you love that person and the great time you had on your vacation.
What do you really like about this person? Have they taught you about being patient and kind? Are they someone you adore like your child or look up to like an older brother or sister?
What is a Christmas in your past that you can remember, and could you write a story about it to share with your children? Find ways to make the letter to your child sweet and magical. Is there something special, like a family tradition or family recipe, that you could share with your siblings? How about expressing how much your parents have made you the person you are today?
Do you remember a favorite Christmas that was so magical you will never forget it? Ask your children about their favorite time and keep that in a memory box or jar. You can create a book of images from past holidays with their sayings when they get older. The letters can also be used as a memory book for your teens.
The Letter
You can create a fun and magical theme on Canva or even in Word. If you are artistic, you could expand your letter by finding family photos of the year and adding them to it. Crayons are an option to make it less formal.
If you have never tried using watercolors, try it and get creative. Taking time to sit down and write letters can help you to relax and unwind.
Nature Items
Find leaves or flowers to add to your letter. Once you have written the letter, you can glue the items onto the letter or envelope.
Take time for yourself as parents. We cannot do it all, and the holidays should be a time of reflection for you and your family. Get the children involved and have them write a card to their grandparents or aunts and uncles. Most craft stores carry blank cards and envelopes.
Time is precious. I wish you and your family a safe and memorable holiday season!