We were driving in the car one rainy December day when my seven-year-old son said, “The kids at school say there is no Santa. That your mom is the one that fills the stockings on Christmas Eve.”

“Oh no!” I thought

I was not ready for this. What do I say?

After a brief panic and not knowing what else to say, I asked, “What do you think?” 

It is amazing how the imagination works. He had it all figured out. 

First off, it was ridiculous to think that his mom was up at midnight after he was long asleep filling stockings. HIS mom couldn’t even read a bedtime story without nodding off. 

(There were many jabs in the ribs as I was reading to him: “Mom…. mom, wake up!”)

Second of all, Santa just knew things. Things that were secret and only Santa could know.


I never had to protest or make up a story. My children got to grow up slowly, at their own pace, and hold onto the magic for as long as they wanted.

So here is the thing… I am a photographer with a really busy portrait studio. That is part of the reason why I couldn’t stay awake for bedtime stories. I was working insane hours making sure everyone got their portraits in time for Christmas. 

But I was not a complete failure as a mom. I DID read to my kiddos. I learned that I needed to do poems instead of picture books because they were SHORT. I could usually do 2 or 3 poems before I got drowsy and the kids loved them. I can still recite “There Once Was a Puffin” from memory!

My kids are grown, and that little 7-year-old boy has children of his own who can’t wait for Santa to come on Christmas Eve. 

But do you know what the best part is? They don’t have to wait for Christmas. They have met the real Santa in person because their Grandma (me) knows Santa. There is a magical place called Santa Experience Oregon and it is in my studio near Independence, Oregon.

Santa comes all the way from the North Pole to our studio just to spend time with children. This is a private storybook experience where the children have milk and cookies with Santa, find their names in the Nice Book, receive a magical gift, paint toys with Santa, and so much more.

As they are interacting with Santa, I am creating magical images that will become treasured art to ensure that your memories and your children’s memories will never fade. Parents tell me that their children leave with a stronger belief in the magic of Santa, and this precious time is extended just a little bit longer.

I have heard so many great stories. 

One grandma brought her 6-year-old granddaughter and 5-year-old grandson. They went out to eat after the session, and little ‘Phoebe’ (fictitious name) was beside herself as she talked to her cousin, “Joey, I can’t believe we met the real Santa! Did you know that was the REAL SANTA!” 

Of course, meeting the real Santa for the first time can be a nerve-wracking experience. Little Joey was very excited when he first arrived until he actually walked into the room where Santa was waiting. Then he clung to his mom and dad like he was entering snake-infested waters. Thankfully, there was plenty of time to let him warm up. Santa visited with Phoebe while Joey watched from the safety of his mom’s arms. Then Dad sat in a chair next to Santa. Would Joey sit on Dad’s lap? I was hoping that we could start with that, and then Dad could slowly move out of the picture. 

Nope. Not happening.

What now?

Finally, we asked Santa to leave the room. With Santa gone, Joey was free to play with the cool vintage toys that we have. There is a train and a log truck that is a hit with the boys, not to mention a little wooden horse and a teddy bear that Phoebe was drawn to. We moved things around so Joey and Phoebe could play with the toys near Santa’s rocking chair. 

Cautiously, Santa stood in the doorway and waved at Joey. Then he smiled and said, “Hello.”  Then he took one step inside the room. Finally, he was able to work his way to his chair, and Joey was fine. He was willing to interact with Santa and do all the things to create a wonderful storybook for his family.

Some people think that Santa only comes in December, but we schedule meetings with Santa throughout the year. The children love meeting Santa at any time, even in June. That way there is plenty of time to prepare your images before Christmas.

In the end, the magic of Santa isn’t just about believing in a jolly figure who brings presents. It’s about creating and cherishing moments that spark joy and wonder in the hearts of children. Whether your little ones are eagerly awaiting Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve or experiencing the enchantment of meeting him in person at Santa Experience Oregon, the essence of Santa remains the same—joy, wonder, and a touch of magic that makes the world a little brighter.