As adults, we often enjoy looking through magazines for beauty or health tips, recipes, celebrity gossip, or new information. However, we don’t always know that our kids want to do the same. They often learn how to behave by watching the behaviors of adults. Mimicking adults is the best way to learn good or bad habits. Reading is reading, and magazine reading can improve the cognitive skills of new readers through adult-level readers. Here are a few magazines your children might enjoy.
Infant and Toddlers
For very young readers, you want to choose a subscription that can grow with them or at least get them on the road to reading.
Baby Bug
While you will have to read this magazine to your children, it is sure to be a hit with them. The pictures and stories are similar to any book you might have. Children under two can pretend to look at magazines like Mom and Dad but have pictures and scenes to create stories in their minds. Mom and Dad can then read along, too.
Preschool-aged children will also love reading magazines and honing their pre-reading skills. Some sight and familiar words will be present in these magazines, making them perfect for young readers to expand their skills.
Lady Bug
This magazine comes from Cricket, the creator of Baby Bug from above. Children can begin to read stories for themselves or spend time with a parent or older sibling reading to them.
Chop Chop
This magazine is an excellent choice for a “grow with me” reader. Children of all ages can enjoy the magazine and recipes. Your toddler may not need to use sharp knives, but they can assist you with pouring, stirring, or mixing. Likewise, your oldest children may be able to cook over the hot stove or using an oven.
National Geographic Little Kids
Future explorers are sure to love this magazine. It has excellent animal facts, pictures, and interactive activities. The subscription is inexpensive and can grow with your child.
Elementary School
When your kids get older, they often want other things in magazines. They can read more detailed information and prefer the look of a magazine like the adults in their lives.
National Geographic Kids
When your little kid is too old for National Geographic Little Kids, the older kids’ subscription is perfect. The stories are designed to pique the interest of your curious little one.
Kids Discover
This magazine is chock full of history, science, and social studies stories that are anything but boring. Kids can learn about anything from the founding of the US to other nations and continents to biology and chemistry.
Did you know that your child can participate in the First Lego League and learn to build robots in upper elementary, middle, and high school? Children interested in LEGOs will enjoy this magazine before being able to compete. The best news is that this one is free!
Upper Elementary and Middle School
As your child grows, their interests will change. While educational titles are still important, your preteen and young teen will want more challenging and exciting titles.
Sports Illustrated Kids
Athletes of all ages will love the stories on these pages. The stories are about child athletes and professional athletes, and analysis from their point of view. Children who are excited about sports may just get excited about reading, too!
This magazine is fantastic for your budding scientist or artist. Though it heavily focuses on science, it will also feature art stories and facts. Science and art meet in this early teen magazine.
Faces, People, and Culture
This magazine is geared toward older children as well. The focus is on the greater world. The pictures and stories will bring the outside world into the palms of their hands.
Middle and High School
This is probably the most demanding bunch to please. Many want to read their parents’ magazines but are not always ready. You can still encourage reading through teen-marketed magazines.
Skipping Stones
If you have a teen interested in being a writer or literature, this magazine is perfect. Their webpage says, “Skipping Stones welcomes art and original writings in every language and from all ages.” This magazine also welcomes submissions from teens and adults.
The New York Times Upfront
Magazines don’t get more “grown-up” than the New York Times. This teen-geared magazine is designed for high school students and encourages critical thinking. It does require a minimum number of subscriptions, so you might want to get together with your child’s school to offer this subscription to parents.
Teen Ink
Teens produce this magazine, so you know that the material is appealing. They promote contests, college guides, and arts features. They are currently in transition, but the 2021 incarnation should be running soon!
Popular for Many Ages
Some children’s magazines have been popular for decades. Though we have mentioned the two versions of Nat Geo, this is not the only magazine that has been around for ages.
Nearly every child has come across a Highlights magazine in their lives. Doctor’s offices, preschools, and elementary classrooms have housed these magazines for decades. High Five and Hello have been designed for younger readers, and the original magazine remains a favorite among older children.
Ranger Rick
Ranger Rick has a whole lineup for children. Zoobooks, Rick Jr., Cub, Zoodinos, Zootles, and, of course, Ranger Rick make up their offerings. Each magazine caters to a different age group or interest. You are sure to find something great for young readers here.
Final Thoughts
There are thousands of magazines that target children as their audience. All you need to do is search for magazines that meet your reader’s interests. Check out the magazine first if you are worried about inappropriate topics in teen magazines. What’s your favorite magazine for kids?