With Christmas looming on the horizon, parents need to shop for gifts, and what do kids love the most? Toys! In Portland, you’ll be able to find a wide variety of toys that carry everything from tech gadgets to wooden toys to specialized options that are hard to find. Each shop offers something different, so seeing them all is good. Here are our top five that are a must-see!
For two reasons, thinker Toys is one of Portland’s most well-known toy stores. One, the toys are innovative, and a wide variety of toys are helpful with education. The second reason is that the staff is accommodating and friendly. Not only can they help you with any of your needs, but they are great about not making you feel embarrassed if you’re unsure about something excellent.
Every year, when our families go shopping, we deal with salespeople who are annoyed or in a bad mood, but you don’t get that at Thinker Toys, which makes for a far better experience. Another benefit? They have a play area for kids, and they offer gift wrapping! It’s beneficial to parents because when they’re trying to find the best gift for their child, their little ones are playing happily and making friends. It’s an excellent place for any gift because the selection is fantastic.
An independent toy store since 1987, this store has a great selection of books, games, plushies, and more. They have a loyalty program, a grandparent’s day, and a birthday program. The birthday program is excellent for your children because they have postcards and fun options to help your child celebrate. The store has been said to be specialized so that your loved one can find exactly what they need.
Like Thinker Toys, the customer service is exceptional, and everyone, no matter what age, enjoys shopping here. One tip we have is not to get discouraged by the website. The site itself is minimal, but the store is incredible. The locals love going there and always come away with precisely what they need and were surprised to find out.
Hammer and Jack have a great selection, and the store gives excellent recommendations for children based on age, which can be beneficial when you’re trying to come up with gifts. The staff is lovely, and because they know what kids like to play with, they can help make Christmas unforgettable for your family. Coming here is going to be an excellent option for your holiday shopping. The website also offers specialized gift cards; you can create a list for your child and the toys they want. In addition, in December, you can bring your children to a story time with Santa. It’s a great way to ensure that they have fun and you can shop simultaneously.
The toy selection is vast; many have lost themselves inside the store for hours. You’re guaranteed to find what you need here.
Rogue Toys is different from the others on this list. The toys are more specialized. For instance, they have walls of Legos, transformers, Funko Pops, and things of that nature. We recommend it if your child is looking for something specific. They also have toys from the nineties, such as wrestling figures, Power Rangers, video game toys, music, and more. It’s a great shop to visit when your child wants something different from the average Christmas toy. For the rarer toys, they have certificates of authenticity.
Do you remember the toys that your parents and grandparents had? No fancy gimmicks, no bells or whistles. Instead, you get a toy that is responsibly sourced, and it’s made to last. Instead of having a toy that little ones get bored with, they have something that will give them excellent learning skills. The store has become one of the best shops in Portland because the staff has a great message and goal, and they genuinely want to change how your child experiences playtime. Not to mention that they believe that toys are an investment. The store loves having the ability to help you navigate your choices and find the best gift for your child. Not to mention that the toys are incredibly cool, and adults love them too!
Let’s Go Shopping!
Now that you’ve seen the best of Portland, let’s go shopping! It’s almost Christmas, and time is running out. With these stores at your disposal, you’ll find the best gift for your loved one, and the holiday will be unforgettable!

Jenifer Dale is a writer that has a passion for reading and helping others. When she is not writing, she loves cooking, crocheting, and spending time with her family.