As time continues to transform our little ones into not-so-little ones, we are faced with the task of ensuring that our kids get the best from us. As I grew up in Portland, there were a number of local organizations and community centers that I loved participating in, so I’ve highlighted a few of them.
Skyhawks Sports: https://register.skyhawks.com/search?zip=97212&zipunit=1&cid=2441
Skyhawks offers a wide range of sports camps for all ages! I participated in the soccer programs as a kid and vividly remember the excitement and joy I experienced when attending these camps with my friends. This organization does a great job at offering multiple types of camps for kids. The Skyhawks Sports program caters to all ages and skill levels, so parents don’t have to concern themselves with “Is my child ready for this program?” because it is extremely friendly to all kids.
Southwest Community Center: https://www.portland.gov/parks/southwest-community-center
Summer camps, swimming, and awesome parks! SWCC is one of the many community centers in Portland that I grew up participating in. The center is situated in Southwest Portland on a lot that is covered in trees, green space, and well-maintained playgrounds and equipment. The pool is one of my favorite features of the center. My daughters have both enjoyed learning to swim here. They also offer drop-in basketball, summer camps, and other activities geared toward our kids. This also includes arts and crafts, nature exploration outings, and more!
Camp Adams: https://campadams.org/
Nestled in the beautiful rural parts of Oregon, Camp Adams is a site where many other families and I have taken our kids to experience the magic of summer camps out in the woods! While Camp Adams is a faith-based organization, it is very open and affirming to those with differing views. The site can be rented out for events, gatherings, and retreats regardless of faith affiliation. I spent nearly ten summers participating in their church summer camp program, and it only took a year for me to fall in love. The site offers kids opportunities to hike through the woods and learn about native plants, animals, and other wildlife that calls Camp Adams home. The facilities are homey, well-kept, and boast the beautiful aroma of log cabins! Whether it is a summer program or a family retreat, this is a place that I highly recommend families get familiar with.
Bernie Fagan Soccer: https://www.berniefagansoccer.com/soccer-camp-for-kids/
For those interested in the best of the best, look no further than the Bernie Fagan Soccer program! This is a program that I grew up participating in, as did many other families in the Northeast Neighborhoods of Irvington and Dolph Park. I highly recommend this program to families who want their kids to play high-level soccer in the future. Bernie is a former professional footballer and has spent decades sharing his talents with Portland youth!
Lil Kickers Indoor Soccer: https://www.lilkickers.com/location/oregon/portland/portland-indoor-soccer/
Fun for the littlest of the bunch can be found at Lil Kickers Indoor Soccer! It is a great environment for babies and toddlers to have fun with peers and parents simultaneously. The programs at Lil Kickers are designed intentionally to engage parents and toddlers and support the development of motor skills. The coaches working here are enthusiastic and genuinely excited about helping kids learn and love the game of soccer. One of the coolest memories I have as a former coach is seeing toddlers’ faces light up and little feet toddle to reunite with a friend from a prior week’s class.