Paper Bags
Crayons or Markers
Step-by-Step Instructions
- You will be using the back of the paper bag to create a frog with a big mouth.
- Using your pencil lightly (in case you have to erase), draw a rainbow shape on the bag bottom from corner to corner, leaving room for the froggy eyes, which are rainbow shapes too. Then add circles for the eyes.

- Under the fold line, make a big U-shaped chin going from one corner to the other.
- Your frog needs lips. The top lip is drawn on the bag’s bottom like a big soft M. The bottom lip is a U shape below it.

- Let’s add the shoulders with a gentle curve. You can make your froggy pal as skinny or wide as you wish. Don’t forget a line for the arms.

- Toes, toes, toes… I made mine out of 3 letter U’s … If you want them pointy, draw the letter V instead.

- Using a marker or dark crayon, outline your frog.
- Our last step drawing with a pencil again. Fold the bag bottom up so we can give your frog a tongue. You will draw 2 rainbow arcs.
It’s time to decorate! You can make your frog spotted, striped, plain, or wherever your imagination roams. Always use at least 5 colors, and be neat!

It is time to name your Froggy Friend. My frog is Felix Fenway Froglet!
Now go have a puppet shot with all your friends!
Additional Projects
*Create other creatures *Write a poem *Make a video with your puppets *Read about frogs and their habitats *Sing a frog song *Try to record frogs croaking *Use Your IMAGINATION