Everyone loves a good celebration, and St. Patrick’s Day is infamous for being precisely that. Parades, Guinness hats, revelry, and all things green make this day a fun-filled way to say goodbye to the cold dark winter and welcome in the spring.
You may not be Irish, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. The kids will love creating themed treats and crafts too. We’ve put together some fun treats and ideas to help make St. Patrick’s Day special for you and your little ones.
The Luck Of The Irish Sensory Bags
Technically not a treat but fun nonetheless, why not try making a St. Paddy’s Day sensory bag? White paint, rainbow-colored glitter, gold coins, shamrocks, and anything else Irish-themed you can think of to put in there. These bags are so much fun to make and play with.
Lucky Charm Krispies
Instead of Rice Krispies, we’re making Irish-themed Krispies using Lucky Charms. We think the leprechaun on the box makes them Irish. You make these the same way as you would any Krispie cake recipe. We won’t give you a full instructional breakdown on this because we know you’ve got this one in hand.
Green Doughnuts
This is really simple and fun; any doughnut recipe you can find will work for this idea. The only twist is that we’re adding Matcha to give the doughnuts their Irish theme. The Matcha turns the doughnuts green, and if you’re feeling creative, you could even shape them into four-leaf clovers.
Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes
Why not try making some cupcakes with minty green frosting? You will undoubtedly have a favorite cupcake recipe that you use; if not, a box recipe will do the trick. The secret is in the frosting. I like to melt Mint Aero Bubbles into the frosting, but that’s a personal choice. If you aren’t a fan of mint, regular frosting works just as well. All you have to do is add a little drop of green food coloring to the frosting mix.
St. Patrick’s Day Fudge
All things sugary are on today’s menu, and this might be the sweetest of the bunch. A good fudge recipe is required for this one. All you will do is turn that fudge green and set the table with your delicious delights.
Matcha or green food coloring will do the trick. Check if your recipe allows for it, and if not, you can always check Google for a green fudge recipe.
Lucky Rainbow Jell-O
As the name suggests, this is a glass full of rainbow-colored Jell-O. Layer each color on top of another with a layer of cream in between the colored layers. Finish your rainbow masterpiece with rainbow sprinkles and a gold chocolate coin.
Rainbow Treat Bag
Try making your own St. Patrick’s Day treat bag. Fill it with Skittles, gold coins, white marshmallows, and maybe even some of that delicious green fudge we mentioned earlier.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
We know that parades are technically not allowed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t treat the kids to their own personal parade.
Have them make some small floats to parade around the garden, and you could even fill the yard with green, Irish-themed balloons. If you have neighbors who have kids, you might be able to persuade them to get involved too.
You can have your very own family or street (socially distanced) St. Patrick’s Day parade. The floats the kids make will be the stars of the show. Parents could even indulge in a sip or two of Guinness.
Create A Hearty Irish Dinner
The winter is over, and spring is in the air, but that doesn’t mean the weather has thoroughly warmed up. Why not cook a hearty Irish stew, some Colcannon, mint cheesecake, and anything else Irish-themed you like to cook? You can get the kids involved in the cooking, and afterward, you can sit down as a family and make the meal an event to rival Thanksgiving.
Something To Look Forward To
St. Patrick’s Day might not be a big deal for some, but it does mark the end of what has been a long and depressing winter. More than that, it signals a year since COVID hit. Celebrating St. Paddy’s Day is a great way to cheer everyone up and give them something exciting to look forward to. However you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, we’re sure it will be an event for you and the kids to remember.