One of my kids’ favorite places to play is called “Monkey King Playhouse” in Portland. We have missed it so much since the pandemic started. I was shocked last week to receive an email from them saying that they are open “by appointment.” They listed the many precautions they are taking to keep the area clean and safe. I’m still a little nervous about it, but so happy to hear that they have found a way to re-open. This got me wondering about what else is open. Below is a list of indoor playgrounds that are currently open and their guidelines.
Monkey King Playhouse-
Currently, Monkey King is only open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Guests must sign a waiver, take their temperature, and agree to a maximum of two hours for playtime. There is an option to see about a private play time during the week if you email them. If you would like to play there, you reserve your time online. My family and I have been coming to this place for several years. It is visually appeasing with the bright colors and beautiful dragons everywhere, the space is huge with tons of areas for kids to explore, and they have an awesome food selection. Within the same building, on the other side of the playground, Wushu/Kung Fu classes are offered. Here is the link to Monkey King’s website: https://monkeykingplayhouse.com/.
Playdate PDX-
Playdate PDX is barely open, but they are open! They can only operate at a 25% capacity which means only 20 people in the building. On weekdays, they allow walk-in customers. They advise making an appointment on the weekends. On Monday’s after 5:00, admission is free. This place is a lot of fun. We have been there for a few birthday parties and I could not believe how massive it is. For more info, call 503.227.7529 or visit their website at: https://www.playdatepdx.com/.
The Wiggle Room-
This place is open for “private play” by appointment. This means you can bring up to 8 kiddos and reserve the whole space for 55 minutes. The cost is $55 or 85 minutes for $85. They suggest making a small play-date with a small group of friends and go in on it together. They are doing a great job of keeping things safe as well. They boast their “bipolar ionization” feature in their HVAC system that apparently 99% of viruses from the air within 30 minutes and their many sanitization practices between playtimes. I’ve never been to this place, but the pictures look great. It is around 2,000 sq. feet of play area. It is geared for kiddos 0-7 years old. For more info, here is the link: https://www.thewiggleroom.com/.
Nest Playground-
As of Feb. 20th, the Nest Playground has re-opened for private play and birthday parties. A group of up to 10 kids can use the whole space for an hour for $85. This place offers a play space and also a Nintendo space that contains a Nintendo Switch and Xbox for multiple players. Fun! They offer the private play on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday mornings. For more info, here is the link: https://www.nestplayground.com/.
Play Boutique-
This place is in Lake Oswego. I had a little trouble navigating the website and their information. Although their website reads, “Looking forward to playing again soon!”, it looks like there are “stay and play” dates and timeslots that are open for reservations. They have 2-hour timeslots open next week ranging as early as 10:30 a.m. up until 6:30 p.m. Once you create a profile and choose a timeslot, there is an option to “book.” The place focuses on kids having a blast and parents having a great space to get some work done or just relax. For more info, head to this link: https://www.playboutique.com/schedule.
Chuck E. Cheese-
My kids have had several birthday parties at the Chuck E. Cheese in Portland. Our hearts were broken to drive by a few days ago and see that it has closed. It is a sad sight, too. Tons of graffiti all over it. I immediately pulled out my phone and Googled what other locations are open. It turns out, the one in Beaverton is still there and currently open for games and carry-out! Whew. We will definitely be heading there sometime soon. I admit: I have never been to this location before, but Google images shows an indoor playground at this location. I am not sure if the play area is open due to covid, but the games are definitely open. Here is the link for more info: https://locations.chuckecheese.com/us/or/beaverton/4145-sw-110th-ave.
Ocean Plays Indoor Playground-
I have never heard of this place until today. Ocean Plays is an indoor playground in Hillsboro. It looks like a really cute place with ocean décor and colors. The website reads, “Open play schedule is available. Highly encourage to call and reserve spots.” Their play schedule is in sections of certain time slots to ensure a safe capacity. The phone number is 503.608.9066. The admission is $6 for ages 1-3 and $8 for ages 4-12 on non-holidays. For more info, here is their link: https://oceanplays.com/.
It is so good to know that there are local options for indoor play. Even better to know that these places are ensuring safe capacities, taking measures to sanitize and clean with purpose, and creating new ways for kids to play in small groups through “private play” options. I realize some parents may not be ready to think about indoor play yet, but for the parents who are, there are some great choices out there. Best of luck to you all in finding places for your kiddos to get their wiggles out (safely!)

Stephanie McCoy was born and raised in Portland, Oregon-where she still lives. She recently graduated with a Master’s in Education degree from Concordia University. In her free time: she likes to read and write, get outdoors, embrace her kiddos and husband, and watch travel documentaries.