Our state of Oregon is a real beauty. In one state, we have access to the ocean, deserts, rivers, nature trails, mountains, and other outdoor adventures. Some families regularly take their kiddos outdoors. These kids may regularly participate in outdoor adventures like hiking, fishing, and general exploring. Some families may take their kids outside but stick to places like playgrounds. Some families do not participate in outdoor activities at all. There are different reasons for this resistance. Sometimes the families just prefer to stay indoors. But sometimes, families do not know what adventuring outlets are safe and available to them in Oregon. I have lived in Oregon my whole life (36 years). I know there are numerous kid-friendly places to hike, but I always stick to Mt. Tabor park because that is the park I am used to. I know there are dozens of beautiful bodies of water we can explore here in Oregon, but again: I seem to stick to the ones I am familiar with.
To help me expand my horizons, I have been exploring books about “kid-friendly” outdoor adventures in Portland, Oregon. Turns out, there are a ton of books about this!
Below is a list of some suggestions and their links.
1) “Best Hikes with Kids: Oregon” by Bonnie Henderson/Zack Urness.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Hikes-Kids-Bonnie-Henderson/dp/0898866863
2) “Curious Kids Nature Guide: Explore the Amazing Outdoors of the Pacific Northwest” by Fiona Cohen.
Link: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/curious-kids-nature-guide-fiona-cohen/1123953882
3) “50 Hikes with Kids: Oregon and Washington” by Wendy Gorton.
Link: https://www.powells.com/book/50-hikes-with-kids-9781604698008
4) “Grant’s Getaways: Oregon Adventures with Kids” by Grant McOmie.
Link: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Grant-s-getaways-oregon-adventures-with-the-kids-9781513260464/55598392
5) “Fun with the Family in Oregon: Hundreds of Ideas for Day Trips with the Kids” by Cheryl McLean.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Fun-Family-Oregon-Hundreds-Ideas/dp/076270621X
6) “Portland Family Adventures: City Escapades, Day Trips, Weekend Getaway’s, and Itineraries for Fun-Loving Families” by Jen Stevenson.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Portland-Family-Adventures-Itineraries-Fun-Loving/dp/163217099X
7) “Best Hikes with Children in Western and Southern Oregon” by Bonnie Henderson.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Hikes-Children-Western-Central/dp/0898865751
8) “Oregon’s Best Swimming Holes” by Relan Colley.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Oregons-Swimming-Holes-Relan-Colley/dp/0899971695
Aside from these books, there are also plenty of websites and articles that give suggestions for family-friendly outdoor adventures in Oregon. An article I recently enjoyed related to “family-friendly fishing spots in Oregon.”
Here is the link: https://redtri.com/portland/the-best-kid-friendly-fishing-holes-in-portland/
Another fun article I found relayed “9 ideas for adventurous families in Oregon.”
The the link is here: https://www.oars.com/blog/kid-friendly-oregon-9-ideas-for-adventurous-families/
With these resources, I have more than enough information to plan some outdoor adventures for our family for the remainder of the summer. These guides are helpful because they usually consider any hiccups or obstacles that families with children may encounter at their recommended places and suggest remedies or ways to avoid the obstacles.
Whether it is hiking, fishing, swimming, or just spending time together outdoors, I wish you all the best in finding a fun, fitting outdoor adventure for your families this summer.

Stephanie McCoy was born and raised in Portland, Oregon-where she still lives. She recently graduated with a Master’s in Education degree from Concordia University. In her free time: she likes to read and write, get outdoors, embrace her kiddos and husband, and watch travel documentaries.